





1. before meals
Take medicine 30 to 60 minutes before meals.
In the next place, should take medicine before meals, in order to make the medication easy, such as liver and kidney deficiency or diseases below the waist.
For the treatment of intestinal diseases, it is also advisable to take medicine before meals, because in the gastric empty state, the liquid can directly contact with the gastrointestinal mucosa and enter the intestine through the stomach more quickly, so that it can be absorbed more and play its role, without being affected by the dilution of food in the stomach.
2. after meals
Usually take medicine about 30 minutes after meals.
The patient is in the upper position and should take medicine after meals. If the treatment of heart, lung, chest and diaphragm, stomach and stomach above the disease, after meals to take, can make the drug up.
Drugs that stimulate the gastrointestinal tract can reduce the damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa after meals. Toxic drugs should also be taken after meals to avoid side effects caused by too fast absorption.
3. dining room clothes
Take medicine between meals, so as to avoid the influence of food on drugs. The suitable medicine for taking between meals is for the treatment of spleen and stomach diseases.
4. bedtime clothes
They are usually taken 15 to 30 minutes before bedtime.
When taking medicine, sleeping posture should be selected according to the ascending and descending effect of medicine, such as medicinal hair-raising, healthy side-lying, such as medicinal sedimentation, and the affected side-lying.
5. overnight clothes
It mainly refers to insecticide, take it once before going to bed, take it again on an empty stomach the next morning, in order to kill and expel the insects from the body.
It is worth noting that acute severe diseases should be taken as soon as possible or frequently (every 1-2 hours), while chronic diseases should be taken on time.
The time of taking traditional Chinese medicine should be determined according to the condition of the disease and the nature of the medicine. The principle is to give full play to the preventive and therapeutic effects of drugs and reduce adverse reactions.
6. 空腹服
6. on an empty stomach.
"Fasting clothes" refers to the absence of food in 8 to 10 hours. It usually refers to the absence of food during the period from sleep at night to wake up in the morning. The purpose is to avoid food interference and allow drugs to enter the small intestine quickly and effectively.
For nourishing decoction, it is suitable to be eaten on an empty stomach in the morning, so that it can be better absorbed. In addition, insect repellents or drugs for limb blood vessel disease are also taken on an empty stomach, which can make the drug quickly enter the intestine and maximize its efficacy. The same is true of purgative decoction.
All these are based on the different conditions and the characteristics of drug action, the general requirements for the time to take medicine.
When using medicine, the doctor will adjust the medication according to the patient's physical changes. The prescription of medication will not be limited to a certain kind of medicine. In addition, long-term www.tangangfengtou.cnwww.tubuji.com.cnwww.tiemianji.cnwww.diandongmens.cn www.yazhujian.com.cnwww.caoxingtuogun.cnmedication of patients will inevitably cause damage to the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it is recommended that people who drink traditional Chinese medicine decoction for a long time take medicine within 30-60 minutes after meals to alleviate the direct irritation of drugs to the gastric mucosa.


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