





1. Dose of Traditional Chinese Medicine
The dosage of traditional Chinese medicine refers to the component in clinical application. It mainly indicates the daily dose of each drug for adults. The vast majority of traditional Chinese medicines come from crude drugs. The safe dosage range is large and the dosage is not as strict as that of chemical drugs. However, the proper dosage is also one of the important factors that directly affect the exertion of pharmacodynamics and the clinical effect. Too small dosage of drugs can not play a therapeutic role and delay the condition; too large dosage of drugs can injure the integrity, but also cause adverse consequences, or cause unnecessary waste.
2, usage
It mainly refers to Decoction of Decoction and different dosage forms.
(1)汤剂煎煮法 汤剂是中药最为常用的剂型之一。汤剂的制作对煎具、用水、火候、煮法都有一定的要求。煎药用具以砂锅、瓦罐为好,搪瓷罐次之,忌用铜铁锅,以免发生化学变化,影响疗效。煎药火候有文火、武火之分。煎煮的火候和时间,要根据势物性能而定。某些药物因其质地不同,煎法比较特殊,处方上加以注明,有先煎、后下、包煎、另煎、溶化、泡服、冲服、煎汤代水等不同煎煮法。
(1) Decoction is one of the most commonly used forms of traditional Chinese medicine. The preparation of decoction has certain requirements for decocting utensils, water, temperature and boiling method. The best decocting utensils are casseroles and earthen pots, followed by enamel pots and avoid copper-iron pots, so as to avoid chemical changes and affect the curative effect. Decoction fire can be divided into mild fire and armament fire. The temperature and time of boiling depends on the properties of potential substances. Some medicines have special Decoction methods because of their different texture. The prescriptions are marked with different decoction methods, such as first decocting, next decocting, wrapping decocting, another decocting, dissolving, soaking, flushing and decocting instead of water.
(2) Drug administration
服药时间汤剂一般每日1剂,煎2次分服,两次间隔时间为4〜6小时左右。服药方法汤剂一般宜温服。丸剂颗粒较小者,可直接用温开水送服;大蜜丸者,可以分成小粒吞服;若水丸 质硬者,可用开水溶化后服。散剂、粉剂可用蜂蜜加以调和送服,或装人胶囊中吞服,避免直接吞服而刺激咽喉。膏剂宜用开水冲服,避免直接倒入口中吞咽,以免粘喉引起呕吐。冲剂宜用开水冲服;糖浆剂可以直接吞服。此外,还有鼻伺给药法。
The medication time of decoction is generally 1 dose per day, decocted twice and taken separately. The interval between two decoctions is about 4 123 The Decoction should be taken warmly. If the pills are small, they can be taken directly with warm boiling water; if the pills are hard, they can be taken after boiling water dissolution. Powder and powder can be administered with honey or swallowed in capsules to avoid stimulating the throat by direct swallowing. The plaster should be washed with boiling water to avoid directly pouring into the mouth and swallowing, so as to avoid vomiting caused by sticky throat. Granules should be washed with boiling water; syrups can be swallowed directly. In addition, there are nasal medication.


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